EDF - NPP - Bugey


EDF - NPP - Bugey

Located on the right bank of the Rhône, the site includes the Bugey NPP, with four 900 MWe pressurized water reactors, connected to the grid in 1978 and 1979. It also includes an interregional fuel store (MIR), 1 UNGG reactor, stopped in 1994 and currently under decommissioning, as well as a Radioactive Waste Encapsulation and Storage Facility (ICEDA). The site was also selected for the construction of 2 EPR2 reactors.

Crédit photo Colin Matthieu


EDF - NPP - Bugey

Located on the right bank of the Rhône, the site includes the Bugey NPP, with four 900 MWe pressurized water reactors, connected to the grid in 1978 and 1979. It also includes an interregional fuel store (MIR), 1 UNGG reactor, stopped in 1994 and currently under decommissioning, as well as a Radioactive Waste Encapsulation and Storage Facility (ICEDA). The site was also selected for the construction of 2 EPR2 reactors.

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